"Boss Room & Main Menu Upgrade"

Author: Andres Gutierrez

The two main problems I worked on this week is the Main Menu feeling lackluster and the lack of a boss room. Of course the boss room needs a boss so I had to spend some time putting one together. These problems would cause issues for a player since main menu was pretty barebones, it would make the player feel unimpressed and bored being in there. The player would also have a problem with the level they are playing in having only basic enemies and nothing to look forward to in the end.

I decided to solve this problem by adding different features to the main menu and the level the players would fight in. For the main menu I added button hover and button click sounds to show audio feedback when interacting with them. Also to make the main menu feel less quiet, I added background music to liven it up. I made sure to allow it to loop and fit the them of the game. For the level, I first created a boss character with features to make it stand out from the basic enemies. These features include wearing a set of armor, having a larger weapon, and having more health. Then I proceeded to make a new section of the map to place the boss in while also adding a door mechanic that will only open until a specific objective of the level is met. In this case it would be when all the basic enemies have

been defeated. I added some code to the door blueprint that would make the left and right door open away from each other. 

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